Fire Door Installer | Fire Industry Association Accredited
Looking For A Fire Door Installer Certified By Leading Industry Bodies? Contact Us!
At KCS Projects, we are proud to be a trusted provider of fire door installation services to businesses, charities, schools, hospitals, and other organisations across the UK.
As a BAFE-registered and British Standards Institute certified provider of Fire Detection and Alarm Systems, we are committed to delivering reputable, high-quality - and above all, safe - fire safety systems to our valued clients.
With extensive experience in the fire safety and security industries, we are experts in ensuring that properties including private, public, commercial, and residential buildings are kept thoroughly protected against fires and their associated dangers.
From small sites to large complexes, we offer thorough fire safety assessments - and consider your organisation's specific evacuation and fire safety policies - in order to identify and install the most appropriate fire door system for your needs.
Call us on 01234 230690
or email info@kcsprojects.co.uk

What Are Fire Doors?
Fire doors are specially built to withstand extreme heat for as long as possible.
This serves two main purposes: firstly, they slow down and stop the spread of the fire, making it easier to put out by the emergency fire services and reducing the amount of damage to the property. Secondly, they buy the occupants more time to evacuate the building safely.
Another essential function of fire doors is their ability to contain smoke through the use of smoke seals.
It is a common misconception that most people die as a result of the fire itself. In fact, between 60-80% of all fire deaths are caused by smoke inhalation - not burns. But by forming a barrier against the spread of smoke, fire doors reduce the dangers of smoke inhalation - which include carbon monoxide, cyanide poisoning, and burns and chemical injury to the upper and lower respiratory tracts.
Fire doors are categorised by how long they can withstand a fire. The most common fire door ratings include:
FD30 - 30 minutes of fire resistance (standard)
FD60 - 60 minutes of fire resistance
FD90 - 90 minutes of fire resistance
FD120 - 120 minutes of fire resistance
And while there is no formal qualification to become a certified fire door installer, a level of expertise and competency is legally required, as the Fire Safety Order requires 'someone with sufficient training and experience, qualifications and knowledge to be able to implement fire safety measures (some or all) in a building'.
At KCS Projects, our extensive experience in fitting industry-leading fire safety systems in a wide range of buildings for companies of all sizes makes us ideally suited to this task!

Why Does My Premises Need Fire Doors?
Fire doors save lives and play an important role in your legal Duty Of Care towards your employees and members of the general public.
Under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, all non-domestic properties must be fitted with an appropriate fire door system. This is a legal requirement for businesses, commercial premises, public buildings, blocks of flats and houses of multiple occupancy.
Breaches of the Regulatory Reform Order could result in an unlimited fine or even time in prison - so don’t take the risk!
Fire doors can also reduce damage to your property in the event of an outbreak, thereby saving you a significant amount of time, money, and stress.
Are My Current Fire Doors Fit For Purpose?
Just because you already have fire doors fitted on your property doesn’t necessarily mean that they are fit for purpose!
Shockingly, data from The Fire Door Inspection Scheme (2021) found that 75% of all fire doors fitted in the UK failed at inspection. The reasons for inspection failure included:
Excessive gaps between the door and the frame (77%)
Care and maintenance issues (54%)
Issues over smoke sealing (37%)
Improper installation (31%)
According to the BWF-CERTFIRE best practice guide, you should arrange an inspection of your fire doors every six months to ensure that they are fit for purpose.
And whether or not you are the assigned ‘Responsible Person’ for fire safety matters in your business, you have a legal obligation to ensure that your fire doors are effectively maintained and compliant with British safety standards.
At KCS Projects, we offer bespoke fire safety assessments that can identify any issues with your current fire door system. To arrange a fire safety assessment, contact us on 01234 230690 or email us at info@kcsprojects.co.uk.

About KCS Projects
At KCS Projects, we have over 20 years of experience in the security and fire safety sectors. Based in Milton Keynes, we deliver fire safety services across the UK, serving a diverse clientele including private, public, and third sector organisations.
Our commitment to delivering industry-leading fire safety technology and professional expertise has established us as a trustworthy provider of fire safety solutions for esteemed institutions throughout the country, including schools, universities, charities, and hospitals.
We excel in navigating the complexities of fire safety across various settings and understand that every building is unique. That’s why all our fire safety services are custom-made to meet the individual requirements of our clients.
In addition, our extensive experience in the fire and security industries enables us to deliver reliable, high-tech security solutions that guarantee the safety of our clients, their employees, and their customers.
Our advisors are always on hand to answer any questions you may have regarding your fire safety requirements. To speak to a member of our friendly team, contact us today on 01234 230690 or email us at info@kcsprojects.co.uk.
Contact Us If You’re Looking For A Fire Door Installer Certified By The BSI!
Call us on 01234 230690
or email info@kcsprojects.co.uk